Lost in the void of sorrow where pain has been the closest companion. Neither friend nor enemy, without title or prominence. A being of my soul since the waves of life breathed me. A silent echo of a lost child screaming for help, who reaches no ears and touches no hearts, whose tears flow, filling the rivers and streams, waters of sorrow and anguish, that flow to feed the darkness, flowing into the graves to soothe the fallen, the deaf, and the blind. 

Where is the light? Where is the breath? Where is the heart? Rivers of salt, endless and heavy, crushing the souls in the night. Will she find me? Will she hear my silent cries? Will she release me from his clutches? Her soul dries up the waters and heals the broken pieces. Release me.

I will continue to search for the light that calls to me from beyond the void, so gentle and soft, warming my soul and mending my heart. I will wait in hope for the warmth of her light. 

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  Humans are amazing and beautiful creatures. Life has many things that make it enjoyable, but emotions and feelings play an incredible role in it.

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