Death by Life(2009 Adaptation)

We are neither alive nor dead, but caught between the very shifting void of our own life. For life is our air and death is our final nourishment. Why must we fight to survive in a world craving our bitter end? It seems death is the only way to satisfy its craving.

Death is what I fear, and I run and hide from his sight. The bringer of death is at my door and he laughs at my very presence. He stalks me like a lion stalking its prey. For only death can free this bond of torment. For dark chains is what binds him to my very soul. Fleeing only tightens its bond and strengthens its grip on my ever-approaching demise. 

There is no fear; no doubt in his eyes. For his eyes are like a fire that burns the forest of my soul. It burns deep past the soil and through the rock do its scorching fires reach. In his presence, I am like a flickering candle that is awaiting his destruction, and his breath does indeed bring me to darkness.

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Chapter 2: Emotions

  Humans are amazing and beautiful creatures. Life has many things that make it enjoyable, but emotions and feelings play an incredible role in it.

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Chapter 1

If you want to know the answer to life, what it is, and why we are here, you will not find it in this book.

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World Wide Family

As time moves ahead, tick by tick, we reach our last breath. From birth to death, the miracle of life is undeniable. We are conscience

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