I walk through the darkness as the ever-cascading sounds of terror fill the air. Fear creeps ever closer, climbing the ladder of oneself; fear of thought, fear of mind, the loud rumble of a forgotten past, masking the inner sounds that bring peace. As the ground reaches out to tear at the wounds, bringing to bare the flesh of the past, and heavy weights pull at the tired legs, weakened by the piercing of the roots deep within. Slowly, the speed of travel decreases, weary of a time long past. Death becomes the close companion of tomorrow.

As time fades and darkness approaches, on the horizon shines a light so faint and so far. As the night begins to fade, and light shines forth from the spaces between soul and heart, it reaches my worn eyes and tired heart. I am renewed by its warmth and tender touch. As the light grows ever brighter, my soul begins to renew, and my wounds begin to heal.

Breaking free from the chains of death and strengthened by the light of hope. I walk ever stronger, ever faster, into the approaching light of a new day.

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  Humans are amazing and beautiful creatures. Life has many things that make it enjoyable, but emotions and feelings play an incredible role in it.

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