As the dew holds firmly to its nightly companion, and as the dawn slowly approaches, a fear of release begins to cascade. Fear of loss, fear of emptiness, fear of what lies beyond the horizon of the every approaching daybreak.

This is but life. Night and light in its ever boundless existence, we live but moments between the void. Hoping for love and dreaming of completeness are the steps that we walk. For a new day to begin without a soul to touch, a companion to hold is the fear that takes flight.

When we share our souls with another, fear is no longer our captive.

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Chapter 2: Emotions

  Humans are amazing and beautiful creatures. Life has many things that make it enjoyable, but emotions and feelings play an incredible role in it.

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Chapter 1

If you want to know the answer to life, what it is, and why we are here, you will not find it in this book.

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World Wide Family

As time moves ahead, tick by tick, we reach our last breath. From birth to death, the miracle of life is undeniable. We are conscience

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