As the story runs its course, and the last sentence is written and read. The story continues to live in the mind and heart of the reader, who listens to its messages, sounds, and phrases, becoming one with an idea. Words transcend the page and take on new life in the world around them. Trueness becomes the spoken word that encourages the spirits of men, women, and children to push on despite the boulders that block the path of their minds.

Living beyond the word and making it the action that sets our feet on the course of success, beyond just material possession, it becomes the blood that runs deep in the heart, pumping life and breath into the world. A spoken word that heals the broken, not by a miracle but by the ordinary. Words full of actions that ignite imagination and turn thought into reality. To build a future for tomorrow, we rally our words and thoughts for the betterment of all in an effort to soothe the pain of today and push on until dreams become our present.

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  Humans are amazing and beautiful creatures. Life has many things that make it enjoyable, but emotions and feelings play an incredible role in it.

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Chapter 1

If you want to know the answer to life, what it is, and why we are here, you will not find it in this book.

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World Wide Family

As time moves ahead, tick by tick, we reach our last breath. From birth to death, the miracle of life is undeniable. We are conscience

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