We are but dust flowing in an endless breeze, reaching for what lies ahead, hoping for our final destination, one we wish we could see, smell, or taste. As we stop giving in to the stress of the journey and look to connect with the ones around us, we find our purpose. Growing in our love and appreciation of the life we have been blessed to live. Our reach of time extends as we press forward, hoping, loving, and embracing the lives around us.

To bring peace to our souls and find meaning in our lives is to love all equally and truly.

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Chapter 2: Emotions

  Humans are amazing and beautiful creatures. Life has many things that make it enjoyable, but emotions and feelings play an incredible role in it.

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Chapter 1

If you want to know the answer to life, what it is, and why we are here, you will not find it in this book.

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World Wide Family

As time moves ahead, tick by tick, we reach our last breath. From birth to death, the miracle of life is undeniable. We are conscience

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